Friday, May 11, 2007

All help appreciated!

Every morning I walk out to the pond with my coffee and say the Serenity prayer and ask God to help me to make the right decisions where Mom is concerned and then I ask Dad if he's around, to help me out, too. All help appreciated.

We took Mom to a fish fry tonight. They have a big one every Friday close by us and they have live music and have about 100 picnic tables. They pack 'em in every Friday.  The music is usually easy-listening. Mom really enjoyed it. She was toe-tapping and singing through dinner. Then we went to Pottery Barn and looked around.  When we're out she'll pick up the oddest things she wants to buy. If you've never been in a Pottery Barn, they have everything that the country of Taiwan has ever made. And of all of the things she saw, the thing she wanted to buy was a broken bowl...she liked it. I managed to convince her it wasn't all there, the lid was gone. 

I know I said I hate to shop but we try and make a trip to the Pottery Barn about once a year. It's actually Stan's favorite store, next to Home Depot.

We came back home and sat next to the pond for a while. I told Mom the pond was her Mother's Day present. I said, "Mom, you can just have that for Mother's Day." Pretty chintzy, huh? But she loved that I gave it to her and she said, "that's the sweetest gesture."  OK--I did get her a card and a book, too. She can't retain anything much that she reads anymore, but she does still read and she'll read every night before she goes to bed. It puts her to sleep. And I got her an easy read.

Every night, before she goes off to bed she gives us both kisses and always says the same thing: "Thank you for another wonderful day." She says it whether we've been running all day or sitting around the house all day, matters not to her.

I thank her back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We should always Thanked  someone for a wonderful day....huggs and kisses always a must!
Love all your stories!  You are doing an awesome job with Mom,  you and Stan are the BEST!

Love u guys

ya-ya 3