Sunday, April 15, 2007

Here's the Story...a background

Here is a little background information for you. My Husband and I take care of my Mom, who lives with us. Mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in 2003. In October of 2005, we moved her out of her house and that first year she spent 3 months with each of us. I have three brothers and two sisters. That was hard on her so...long story short, my brother and I share the task. He lives in Florida, I live in Indiana, so it works out for everyone, including Mom. She gets to spend the winters in Florida and summer's here. It takes her about a week to acclimate each time, but for now it's working out great. I know it won't always be this easy...

I'm a laid-off auto worker but it gives me time with Mom. She doesn't need 24/7 care yet, but we don't like to leave her alone for more than a few hours at a time, either. But sometimes I feel like my brain is turning to mush, too, just from lack of use!


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