Thursday, March 19, 2009

Don't tell me she can't form new memories.

It's amazing how Mom can forget every little thing. I mean everything.  I can pick her up from her club and we get in the car and I'm not even out of the parking lot sometimes before I ask, "so, what did you all do today?"
Sometimes she tells me she doesn't remember.  Sometimes she says, "I don't think I went to club today."
Lately, she's been having trouble with her dentures.  I have to help her with the glue for them and cleaning them at night.  Somewhere along her path of deterioration she has forgotten that her teeth need the fixodent to stay in place.  So if she forgets, they just flop around.  She's convinced herself that some man has her teeth and that the ones she has are not hers. That they've been switched.  Once I realized she was forgetting the paste I now put it in for her and they stay secure, but she hasn't forgotten (like she does EVERYTHING else) that some man has her teeth.  At least once a day I hear, "I sure wish I could find that man that has my teeth.  He got mine and I got his and I'd love to have mine back and I'm sure he'd like to have his back."  I'm thinking about having a friend of ours come over and "bring her teeth to her".  Wonder if she'll remember that?