Saturday, November 24, 2007

This morning we were having breakfast and Mom asked me, "where did you grow up?" There wasn't a really easy answer to that because we lived in so many places so I just said, "with you and Dad. You and Dad raised me, you're my Mom."

She seemed pleasantly surprised and said, "then you grew up with me and Gramma, too! In Ohio. Because that's where I grew up." About then, Stan yelled from the other room, so I went to see what he wanted, leaving the subject alone.  I know I'm supposed to play along but there are days when that is hard to do.  Besides, these incidences are still semi rare enough that they still surprise me and sometimes catch me off-guard. I was glad he yelled for me when he did.

Later he and I took the dogs for a walk and were gone about 20 minutes. When we got back I smelled something cooking and distrusted my sense of smell, immediately. I knew nothing was cooking and Mom hasn't turned a stove on in over two years. So I didn't think much of it and took off my hat and coat and hung them. I walked in the kitchen and there was Mom, making hot chocolate on the stove. Wow. I asked, "watcha doin', Mom?"

"Well, I'm trying to make some hot cocoa. I used to make it all the time for Dick and the kids. But I don't think it's turning out."

Stan just about freaked. He didn't say anything but I could tell by his look that he might be getting ready to. And it is scary knowing she might used the stove. But I didn't want to upset her. I said, "well, it looks good. What kind of chocolate did you put itn it?"  She wasn't sure but I think she found chocolate chips to put in it. At least that's what it looked like.

I can't help but think that she may have dwelled on what was said at breakfast. That she may have realized that she'd forgotten (again) about being married for so long and having kids. Time and the concept of it is what she struggles with. The other night we were at Stan's son's for Thanksgiving and she was telling one of the girls about Dad and she asked me how long they were married. I said, "Almost 50 years. Just over 49, actually."

She said, "Well, that can't be right. We just did get married when he died from that Vioxx.  It couldn't have been that long."

"I know, Mom...time flies when you're having fun."